Top 5 Essential Features of Spring Boot for Java Development in 2023

Top 5 Essential Features of Spring Boot for Java Development in 2023

Spring Boot features are significantly essential for creating java web applications development

Spring boot is highly popular and widespread, a java-based framework for developing applications. By adopting a positive outlook on the Spring platform, Spring Boot enables you to create Java apps faster without writing much boilerplate code. The reason why the majority of businesses favor using the Spring boot framework for creating web applications.

The framework offers a programming model and complete configuration for java based applications. However, the Spring boot features are significantly essential and they reduce the difficulty and friction of creating Java web applications based on Spring. Let's take a look at

1. AutoConfiguration

Suppose you've experimented with a Spring-based Java online application that connects to an in-memory database like H2 or a relational database. In that case, you may be aware that you must configure a DataSource that is a dependency for JdbcTemplate and define JdbcTemplate as a bean.


2. Starter POMs

POMs alleviate the difficulty of adding common dependencies to your project, and AutoConfiguration helps configure common features.

To create a simple Jackson-supporting Spring MVC-based REST application and run it in an embedded container. You would at least require the following dependencies, for example.


3. Spring Boot CLI

Using the Groovy language, you can create a Spring-based web app using the Spring Boot framework's (CLI).

Here is a RESTful Web Service written in Groovy and using the Spring Boot CLI.


4. Actuator

Another fantastic aspect of Spring Boot that enables viewing what is happening inside a running Spring Boot application is the actuator. With all the benefits of auto-configuration comes the risk of not knowing what is in your application, and Spring Actuator eliminates that risk.

Due to the fact that it provides a lot of data and insights into an active production application. Actuator, for instance, enables you to accurately identify which beans are deployed in the Application context and what auto-configuration decisions were made available to an application.

Additionally, Spring Boot Actuator has a variety of endpoints to access this data. For instance, you may use RESTful APIs to acquire it all, or you can use its remote shell functionality to safely enter the application and issue commands to access the data.

5. Spring Boot Initializer

Another component of Spring Boot that addresses the issue with project structure is called Spring Initializer. The online tool that enables you to create Maven or Gradle projects with Spring Boot and Java, Kotlin, or Groovy.

You only need to supply Project MetaData in the GUI, such as your project's name, Group, Artifact, etc. You can also select a starter dependency from a long list, as a starter for the web, JPA, or security.

Spring Boot issue is resolved by Initaizer, which makes it simple to build a Java application using the Spring framework without having a thorough understanding of all of its internal workings.


Wrapping up a few of the key components of Spring Boot that Java experts and business executives should be aware of. These capabilities, dealing with Java and Spring are actually enjoyable and productive, which is why most businesses are switching to Spring Boot for Java development.

However, there are numerous other capabilities, in addition to the ones listed above for Spring and Spring Boot. For business executives, Spring Boot features can be significantly essential for creating java web applications.

Also Read:- Spring Boot for Enterprise App Development.